Sunday, November 29, 2009

Year End Christmas Party

This year's December meeting and Christmas Party will be on December 5th at 7:00 p.m. at the American Legion Hall 204 W Birch Ave. in downtown Flagstaff. Please bring a dish of your choice to share. The party is always been pot luck and we have never made any real assignments. I suppose that is one of the things that makes it fun.

We will also have a gift exchange. You may participate by bringing a wrapped gift of some sort. We will draw names out of a hat to see who gets to go first, and it will be in a white elephant gift exchange format. Your gift may be taken up to 2 times before it is finally dead. This event has been a lot of fun in the past.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Winslow Holiday Parade

The Winslow Holiday Parade was a blast, a little windy, but a blast none the less. We had 18 different entries under our banner including a Leader tractor brought by John Cadzow (the first one I have ever seen) a great turn out from the Payson group, a couple of engines, and 2 antique trucks to boot. I am waiting on pictures to be e-mailed to me so I can add them to the blog, so if you have any, send them to

A special thanks to Randy Ahrens for organizing the event!!!!!!!!

Minutes of November Meeting

    November 19, 2009

    Meeting was called to order by President Steve Bushman at 7:03 PM. There were 15 interested members present.
    Minutes of the October 15th meeting were read and approved.
    Treasurer Charlie Schlinger reported on the club’s financial standing.
    Walt Hanf reported no change in membership.

    Items of discussion
  • Debbie Brandis reported that the property is available for our annual tractor show.
    Winslow Christmas Parade is Saturday, November 21. Lineup at 12:00 and start at 1:00 PM. Steve has a truck and will pick up tractors of those interested Saturday morning.
    Christmas party is December 5, 7:00 PM at the American Legion Hall. Club to provide soft drinks, meat and utensils; members to bring a dish and presents for exchange.
    Continuation of the club.
  • Discussion was held on how to continue the club. It was decided to have a “board type” of meetings at different member’s homes six times a year. There will be the regular required officers and new board members. The total will be 11 members. All club members will be welcomed to the meetings.
  • Officers are as follows: President – Steve Bushman; Secretary – Debbie Brandis; Treasurer – Charlie Schlinger; VP & Membership – Walt Hanf; Safety Officer – Leo Schlinger; Board members – Jim Brain, Ron Epperly, Dave Brown, Andy Keksis, Scott Anderson and Randy James.
  • No newsletter, Steve will establish a blog on the internet.
  • Charlie will inform by e-mail or letters all members of the club of the changes.
  • Decision was made to give $250 to the Cinder Hills 4H club.

    Motion by Walt and seconded by Leo to close the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:38 PM.

    Andy Keksis

Sponsor Thank You Card

Here is the "Thank You" that we sent out to all of our sponsors. Please take a moment and visit each of the listed sponsors and thank them in person as well as become a patron of theirs as a token of your appreciation.

Show Sponsors

I would like to take some of your time and thank the 2009 Beat The Heat show sponsors:
B&T Glass Co.
Coconino Auto Supply
Olsen's Grain
Lake Mary Fishing Boat Rentals
RDO Equipment
Arizona Storage Rental
Transport Equipment Co.
Canyon State Oil
Fry's Automotive
Grand Canyon Railway
Inspectors Auto Appearance
Grand Canyon Valle Airport
KAFF Radio
Highway Technologies
United Rentals.

Without these supporters, the show would not have been nearly as successful as it was.

A special thanks goes out to the Sunrise Lions Club for providing the food. We hope that they were able to make a good deal of money to further support all of their worthy causes. They do may different things to support the Flagstaff community.

Winslow Parade

The annual traditon of particpating in the Winslow Holiday Parade is here again. We almost always get an award for our participation in this great event. You can see our trophies at RDO Equipment off Penstock Road in Flagstaff. They would love to see you!The parade is scheduled for November 21st Line up for the parade is on 2nd street (east bound old 66) and at 12:00 the parade begins at 1:00p.m. HOPE TO SEE YA THERE!!!!A special Thanks to Randy Ahrens for making this event happen each year!

Club Meeting

Club Meeting is scheduled for Thrusday November 19th at 7:00 P.M. at the Summit Fire Station on Koch Field Road.This is an important meeting. It will decide the future of the club


Here is our new blog spot for the Northern Arizona Antique Tractor and Engine Association. Please enjoy what we have posted here and as always---Please send us your pictures and stories. We will post what we can, what has good taste, and what is pertaining to antique tractors, engines, implements etc. The board reserves the right to decide what to post and what not to post, however, we expect that we will be able to post everything that is sent, and if we do not post it we will let you know why.

Our e-mail is Please use this e-mail to send questions to the board of directors, or if you would like to see something in the blog.

Thank you for your participation in all of our events and for a great 2009

WE look forward to a spectacular 2010!